Monday, 30 October 2017

Poetic Vibes

Poetic Vibes was held within JBIFC Writers and Film Festival on 21st October 2017 at Big Bites Cafe Johor Bahru. 8 out of 12 performers were De'Press Art poets and provided poetry experience like non other had experience in the southern region of Malaysia. 

The crowd was a slow turn up, as it started out with only 12 people. But then it grew and grew to be close to a hundred people came to watch the poets in action. We are planning to organize this again in the near future. Maybe once a month or once every 2 months. Will keep you updated. 

Do follow us on twitter @DePressArt or our Instagram : DepressArt_JohorBahru  don't forget to search for us on facebook as well. 

The poets of Poetic Vibes. 

Sunday, 29 October 2017

Zine Workshop.

21st October 2017, JB: IFC and De'Press Art had organize a zine workshop at Big Bites Cafe Johor Bahru. Our very own founder, Farel Omar lead the workshop of about 10 people and guided them on how to produce a zine of their own. 

Participant was introduce to what is a "zine" and it's implication on their daily life to enhance their interest, knowledge and even business. The workshop was held from 2pm to 4pm. It was a compact class and 2 hours wasn't really enough to share the full knowledge of zine making & marketing. 

There was a lot of positive feedback from the participant and we are considering to organize another zine workshop in the near future. 

Monday, 2 October 2017

Zine Making & Marketing Workshop.

Johor Bahru International Festival City with De'Press Art will organize a Zine making and Marketing on 21st October 2017 at Big Bites cafe. The event will start from 2 pm until 4pm. 

A zine can be described as self-published work that is circulated within small communities. It can also be defined as a form of isolated writing by individuals or certain groups of people, but ultimately is a tool with endless possibilities and opportunities for ideas to flourish.

This workshop will explore the joy of zine making, and will introduce different types of zines that people can create to promote hobbies, interests, passions and even businesses. Farel will also demonstrate various techniques of zine making and ways of distributing them to the public at large.


Sunday, 1 October 2017


Kampung Cup adalah acara yang menjalankan pelbagai aktiviti permainan tradisional masyarakat Malaysia yang kini kian dilupakan. Permainan tradisonal masyarakat kita ini semakin hari semakin lupus kerana telah digantikan dengan gadget-gadget baru yang saban tahun berubah hasil dari inovasi manusia yang selaras dengan peredaran zaman. 

Bukanlah untuk menidakkan kemajuan dan peredaran zaman. Tetapi acara ini adalah sebahagian usaha untuk mengekalkan permainan tradisi dan budaya masyarakat kita. 

Johor International Youth HAB menganjurkan #KampungCup pada 30hb September 2017 sebagai sebahagian usaha untuk mengumpulkan golongan belia dan mengajar dan mendidik mereka tentang permainan warisan yang pernah popular dikalangan belia suatu masa dahulu. Aktiviti sebegini lebih praktikal untuk memupuk sifat kerjasama, bantu membantu dan cara berinteraksi sesama sendiri. Sesuatu yang tidak dapat dilakukan dengan kebanyakan permainan gadget sekarang. 

Seramai 20 orang telah datang dan menyertai Kampung Cup dan mengambil bahagian dalam dua liga berbeza. Edisi Kampung Cup kali ini menampilkan Liga Ceper ( Penutup Botol ) dan Liga Batu Seremban. Mereka telah dibahagikan kepada beberapa kumpulan dan dua individu dari setiap kumpulan akan mara ke pusingan akhir untuk berentap sesama sendiri bagi memastikan kejuaraan. 

Acara seperti ini akan diteruskan dari semasa ke semasa dengan acara yang dipertandingkan juga akan berbeza-beza sebelum nanti adanya sebuah pesta perminan tradisional. 

Pembahagian kumpulan mengikut acara yang dipertandingkan. 

Peserta Liga Ceper 

Peserta-peserta yang mengambil bahagian dalam Liga Ceper & Liga Batu Serembam. 

Peserta Liga Batu Seremban